I know it´s been a while since I´ve put anything up. Sorry.

The whole community except for two houses has moved to a field outside of the community. They do this because it´s summer and it´s nice outside. They explained it to me that the spirits and demons are still in the community since the abuela passed away. This is a picture of one of the temporary houses.

We climbed Peña Blanca. It was very windy as Lisa is demonstrating here. I sat down because it was too windy to stand.

My host dad and host brother at the summit.

Franklin. A small detail: look at his feet. He walked for 7 hours and climbed a mountain in flip flops.

Looking at a star? Maybe.

Group photo at the summit. Lisa is smiling much harder than any Ngabe ever will for a picture.

Clouds over the cordillera from Pena Blanca.

Looking up at Peña Blanca.

Some people who came to visit me at my house.

Rainbow on the way to Peña Blanca.

Bridge on the trail to Cerro Iglesias. For some reason, I took a picture of almost every bridge on the way.

Ngabe superhighway.

Tibujo town center. On the trail to Cerro Iglesias.

Community of Bagla with their newly painted water tank.

Another bridge.

More bridges. There are actually two in this picture.

Same bridge with awesome bathing spot

I have been helping a kid with his english a little by teaching him american songs. He recopied what I wrote for him. I don´t think these are the actual words, though. Celine Dion is very popular here.

Sunrise from my porch.

My lovely house thanks to the previous volunteer.

This might be my favorite picture. I was walking along one day and found this chicken with a bag on its head.

Girl in Laguna Abajo.

Roof Construction.

Typical poso in Laguna Abajo. I am beginning to work with the community to build an aqueduct.

Family in Laguna Abajo.

Laguna Abajo Ridgeline

Chiva ride on the way up the Chami. The current recond is 34 in one pickup truck, but there are rumors of 41.

My host sisters put some red stuff on their faces.

My worm box. Now it´s full of leaves, food and manure. And a few worms.

Some kids who put a butterfly on a leash.

Host sister, Rebecca.
All in all, things are going very well here. Work here is going better than I expected and I really enjoy living here.
Ja Toida,