My technical week family. Count it, 8 kids.
Ngabe women showing us how they get fibers to make their chacras (purses).
Las Lajas, a beach that we went to after the week to rest up.
Surprised baby holding kitten.
This girls name is China and is the cutest.
A bunch of kids.
These are the people who hosted me during the week.
Lisa got pink eye and seems pretty stoked about it.
A standard fogom. Everyone here uses them. Basically, it´s three rocks with a wood fire underneath.
The cutest, hungriest puppy you have every seen.
A normal house.
Some kids on the side of the road through town. White people are always looked at as something strange. Often times, people in the comarca will stand and stare at you, without saying anything for a long time, if at all.
The school. We did a short lesson there teaching the names of the continents to the kids.
Host kids, giving their Ngabe smile.
Neighbors, with my host kids mixed in. Women are wearing the usual Naguas which I believe comes from missionaries way back.
This was one of my host kids. He loves to play with my stuff and finds anything I do hilarious.
Both my host brothers. They really like getting their picture taken because they don´t see electronics much. They stared at me pretty much the whole week.
A chicken. They are everywhere here and act as a garbage system. I have not been to a house yet that doesn´t have chickens.